‘Relations of Representation’,
seminars by Anthony Auerbach
in: International Summer School
for Art Curators: Post
Socialism and Media Transformations:
Strategies of Representation, organised
by Nazareth Karoyan and Angela
Harutyunyan, 21 July–1
August 2008, Yerevan, Armenia
View larger Fieldwork: The High Ground
Field work for the first week of the summer school
will be a survey of a part of the city of Yerevan.
A ridge of higher ground overlooking the centre of
the city sustains a variety of representative and
representational functions, including: a public park,
a fun fair, various monuments and memorials, public
sculpture, private museums etc.
view images
I would like you to devise a plan collectively
for a survey of the area (a
circle of radius about 600m centred on the place
marked on the aerial photo) which includes
the Cascade monument and Victory Park. The point
is to locate and describe the various forms
of representation which can be found in this
area. You will discuss which criteria you will
use to identify them and differentiate them.
You will decide which means you will use to
record your findings. You will recruit local
knowledge to supplement visual and material
observations (some objects might be hidden,
some representations might be obsolete, some
traces may remain, some traces may have been
erased). You will need to divide the work and
will be aware of the need to co-ordinate and
double check. You may wish to compare observations
at different times of day or night. Your aim
is to display your results collectively in the
form of an inventory (organised in some way)
and a map which could be used to locate your
findings and demonstrate the spatial relations
between various objects and may also reflect
patterns of ownership, occupation and surveillance.
I look forward to discussing your findings
as part of our seminar series on 'relations
of representation' in the second week.
Below is some literature
I think is interesting in this context.
It would be great if you have time to
look these up.
Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991)
First published in 1974 in French, this is an increasingly
influential theoretical text on the intertwining
of ideologies and spaces, abstractions
and urban conditions. (See pp. 33–46 where
Lefebvre introduces a 'conceptual triad'
which sets out the themes of the book: spatial
practice, representations of space, representational
Jonathan Crary, Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990)
This book opens an investigation of the
receptivity to visual phenomena, devices and entertainments
in relation to technology and mass-consumption
in the nineteenth century. You may disagree
with the author's claims concerning modern
art. (See chapter 4, 'Techniques of the
Observer', pp. 97–136)
Sean Cubitt, Timeshift: on video culture (London: Routledge,1991)
Important contribution to the underdeveloped
field of video theory.
(See chapter 1, 'The Discontinuity Announcer',
p. 1–20)
Mark Andrejevic, Reality TV: The Work of Being Watched (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003)
This book explores reality TV as a case study
in the politics of the 'digital enclosure',
i.e. the rationalisation of liesure time
for capitalist production, using an interesting
range of theoretical lights.
(See chapter 6, 'It's All About the Experience',
pp. 143–172)
Vardan Azatyan, ‘On Video in Armenia: Avant-garde
and/in Urban Conditions’
it online.
Reflections prompted by the workshop
Video as Urban Condition at ACCEA, Yerevan,
2006. See also my contribution to the
event Who
is Big Brother? and feel free to
browse the Video
as Urban Condition website,
wher e there are several interesting
texts and transcripts.
Seminars: Monday 28 July–Friday
1 August 2008 The seminars will begin
with a debriefing on the fieldwork carried
out in the first week. The reading list
will give you a hint at the theoritical
territory I would like to explore, although
you will not get a series of lectures
on these authors. I would like to allow
the discussion to develop and swerve
a little if necessary. I will also introduce
some material obliquely. I have invited
Vardan Azatyan and Angela Harutyunyan
to join us on Friday for discussion of
contemporary video art practice.
return: Urban matters